This site was conceived after many years of working with families in divorce situations. The issues raised by parents, the many professionals who work with them, and the children themselves, have challenged us to come up with a resource site that will be of help to all those who have the best interests of the children of divorce at heart.

We have therefore divided the site into sections including comprehensive, practical, divorce related information, headed Resources for Parents, Resources for Kids, Resources for Healthcare Professionals, Resources for Teachers, Resources for Mental Health Professionals, Resources for Clergy, Resources for Legal Professionals. In these we have looked at the role of schools and churches, of courts and lawyers, mediators and psychologists, counselors and clergy, nurses and doctors and included articles addressing relevant issues.

We have also included sections devoted to our new book, Don’t Divorce Your Children, which contains useful advice and insights on the problems parents and children face before, during and after divorce. Issues such as telling the children, visitation schedules, custody, support, the roles of residential and non-residential parents, of mothers and fathers, children’s rights, the financial aspects of divorce, parenting teenage children, the role of grandparents, and a range of behavior problems often encountered in this life crisis.

We invite parents and professionals to consult us, send us suggestions, or contribute their experiences and wisdom to the site to help others.